I lost one of my best friends and her baby, he was like a nephew to me this past week. I've gone to funerals, lost some loved ones but never two people at once, and never anyone I was this close to. My heart is aching as I know I can't see them as often as I could if they were here on earth. I'm thankful that they are in Heaven with Jesus and that we will again, see them someday soon.
I ask that you would please be in prayer for The Ray family. As they lost like I said not only one, but two of the sweetest blessings God has ever given.
Thank you in advance.
&& Thank you to God for the relationship I had with sweet Becca&Coco. I love you both very much. Till we meet again, your always in my <3
This is Beccaboo, Coco & Me at my sister's wedding a month ago(: