Anyways, last night I was up till about 1am decorating/baking cookies. The cookies turned out awesome! They were so buttery and fluffy, but didn't spread too much, it was awesome. Now the icing was a pain, to say the least. I ran out of piping bags, and the first batch I made was too thick and the second was too watery. So I had to make do with what I had and I left about 10 cookies to play with later tonight! I'm trying to get better and better quickly so I can make some cookies for a friend's baby shower. My husband asked me this morning.."Can you please make some cookies, other than onesies, stollers, and baby feet, so I can take some to work and people won't ask why I'm eating baby shower cookies". Ha ha! So I better get good soon so I can move onto other cookies so my hubby will be happy :)
So anyways, I'm off to read up on The Pioneer Women's blog. I love her! My cousins got me her cookbook for Christmas. I read like 60 pages the first week I had it, and I don't like to read, at all :)
I'll leave y'all with a piece of my heart!!!