Monday, November 8, 2010

Brown Sugar Cupcakes

This weekend I was looking for a recipe to make for my Children's Church class on Sunday. They are my little taste testers. Believe me, they're as honest as it gets ;)
Anyways, I came across Cookies and Cups recipe for Brown Sugar Cupcakes with Chocolate chip cookie dough icing. I wound up not feeling well on Saturday night so I made these this morning instead! You can find the recipe here. Be sure to follow her link to the buttercream icing. I had to tweak the recipe b/c I accidentally had a blonde moment,no offense, and made the recipe without clicking the buttercream link and it tasted not right, so I went back over the post and found that I had forgot the most important part, lol.

Make sure you let them cool completely. I was a little eager to try them so my icing melted, just a little and I had to try one, so that's why there's one missing :)

Hope you enjoy! Have a fantastic week, everyone :)


  1. just found your blog! can't wait to look around :)

  2. I've been meaning to make these since I saw them on Shelly's blog. Yours look just as good.

    Happy Monday!

  3. Thanks so much for the linky love!!
    and we all have blonde moments :)
